
Letter written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice to all National Spiritual Assemblies – 1 December 2019
“It will be apparent that the precepts the friends observe in the course of their general interactions with those around them must also characterize, sometimes even more scrupulously, their communication carried out via social media.”

Bahá’í Councils 2019-2020
On 26 November, the Day of the Covenant, a new term of service began for Regional Bahá’í Councils in Canada. Councils are institutions that were brought into being by the Universal House of Justice to carry forward the teaching work and minister to the needs of a rapidly growing Bahá’í community.

Message from the Universal House of Justice to the Bahá’ís of the World – 8 November 2019
“The measure of what you have achieved—not only in the last few weeks, but during a two-year period of remarkable advance now brought to a stunning climax—compels us to address you who are the visible hosts of a movement that has proved itself irrepressible.”

Fall 2019 issue of Bahá’í Canada
The Fall 2019 issue of Bahá’í Canada: The spirit of the dawn-breakers