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Message regarding considerations related to the pilgrimage season

Message regarding considerations related to the pilgrimage season

Posted: 2024/10/08

“The Department of Pilgrimage will be in contact with prospective pilgrims in the weeks before their anticipated arrival to provide advice, and staff at the World Centre will be standing ready to assist pilgrims during their visits.”

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Letter from the Universal House of Justice regarding international conflicts and humanitarian crises – 26 May 2024

Letter from the Universal House of Justice regarding international conflicts and humanitarian crises – 26 May 2024

Posted: 2024/10/08

“The Universal House of Justice is aware that Bahá’í youth are increasingly being confronted by the question of what their response should be to serious conflicts and related humanitarian crises raging in the world.”

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Woody debris cleared from site of Canada’s future House of Worship

Woody debris cleared from site of Canada’s future House of Worship

Posted: 2024/09/12

This summer, a father and son and two other youth, all from Quebec, worked to tidy the forested area that comprises the Temple site.

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Summer 2024 issue of Bahá’í Canada

Summer 2024 issue of Bahá’í Canada

Posted: 2024/09/05

The Summer issue of Bahá’í Canada: Practitioners of peace

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In memoriam May-August 2024

In memoriam May-August 2024

Posted: 2024/08/30

Members of the Bahá’í community of Canada who the National Spiritual Assembly has been advised have passed away.

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Young people explore how they can become “practitioners of peace” at Ontario regional youth conference

Young people explore how they can become “practitioners of peace” at Ontario regional youth conference

Posted: 2024/08/08

During a conference held at Wilfred Laurier University in Waterloo, Ont. 700 young people gathered to share experiences, study, and plan for the summer months and beyond.

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Message from the Universal House of Justice regarding renovation of the Shrine of the Báb and its surrounds

Message from the Universal House of Justice regarding renovation of the Shrine of the Báb and its surrounds

Posted: 2024/07/29

“We are pleased to inform you of some significant construction and renovation work that will be undertaken this summer in the Shrine of the Báb and its surrounds.”

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Two scrolls, one purpose

Two scrolls, one purpose

Posted: 2024/07/29

Youth and Elders from the Yukon, Nunavut and Alaska continued their pattern of gatherings in Tagish, Yukon, to share wisdom among generations and renew their commitment to living a life of service.

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Talk by Dr. Firaydoun Javaheri at the Alberta Bahá’í summer school

Talk by Dr. Firaydoun Javaheri at the Alberta Bahá’í summer school

Posted: 2024/07/10

Recording of a talk by Dr. Firaydoun Javaheri at the 2024 Alberta Bahá’í summer school about the implications of the Ridvan 2024 message for all who arise to serve the Cause of Bahá’u’lláh.

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“The youth must soar”: youth gather for conference on Vancouver Island

“The youth must soar”: youth gather for conference on Vancouver Island

Posted: 2024/06/28

In early June, 50 youth took stock of the current moment and explored how they can advance a pattern of action that seeks to include growing numbers of their peers in a community-building process.

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