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Talk by Dr. Firaydoun Javaheri at the Alberta Bahá’í summer school

Talk by Dr. Firaydoun Javaheri at the Alberta Bahá’í summer school

Posted: 2024/07/10

Recording of a talk by Dr. Firaydoun Javaheri at the 2024 Alberta Bahá’í summer school about the implications of the Ridvan 2024 message for all who arise to serve the Cause of Bahá’u’lláh.

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“The youth must soar”: youth gather for conference on Vancouver Island

“The youth must soar”: youth gather for conference on Vancouver Island

Posted: 2024/06/28

In early June, 50 youth took stock of the current moment and explored how they can advance a pattern of action that seeks to include growing numbers of their peers in a community-building process.

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Tree seedlings planted for grounds of Canada’s future House of Worship

Tree seedlings planted for grounds of Canada’s future House of Worship

Posted: 2024/05/31

Volunteers gathered to participate in a service project that will help ensure the serenity and beauty of a site that has been reserved for prayer and meditation.

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The movement of pioneers: a way that learning is being disseminated throughout the world

The movement of pioneers: a way that learning is being disseminated throughout the world

Posted: 2024/05/30

A team of three friends discuss their experience preparing to serve as international pioneers.

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Message marking the dedication of the House of Worship for Papua New Guinea

Message marking the dedication of the House of Worship for Papua New Guinea

Posted: 2024/05/29

“With hearts filled with love and abundant joy, we greet you on this auspicious occasion, the inauguration of the Mashriqu’l-Adhkár for Papua New Guinea.”

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Membership of the International Board of Trustees of Ḥuqúqu’lláh

Membership of the International Board of Trustees of Ḥuqúqu’lláh

Posted: 2024/05/24

“We are delighted to announce the appointment of the members of the International Board of Trustees of Ḥuqúqu’lláh…”

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Universal House of Justice responds to the 2024 National Convention message

Universal House of Justice responds to the 2024 National Convention message

Posted: 2024/05/22

“The beautiful message from the delegates at your National Convention conveyed to us the clarity of thought with which your community is setting about its work in these early years of the Nine Year Plan.”

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The 74th Bahá’í National Convention

The 74th Bahá’í National Convention

Posted: 2024/05/16

With great joy, delegates gathered to elect the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Canada, to take stock of the year’s achievements as well as consult on the requirements and challenges of the next one.

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Election of officers of the National Spiritual Assembly

Election of officers of the National Spiritual Assembly

Posted: 2024/05/13

“The National Spiritual Assembly is pleased to convey the results of the election of its officers on 11 May 2024…”

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Launch of second video about the House of Worship

Launch of second video about the House of Worship

Posted: 2024/05/07

“We pray that this glimpse of the ecology of the site and the work that has gone into safeguarding it will bring the friends joy…”

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