RSSFive Year Plan Spotlight

Letter to the Universal House of Justice from the 2016 National Convention

Letter to the Universal House of Justice from the 2016 National Convention

| 2016/09/30

‘As one of the two honored co-executors to whom you wrote on the centenary of the first of the beloved Master’s Tablets of the Divine Plan, the Convention has steeled our resolve to “consecrate ourselves in the next five years to the priceless opportunities and inescapable obligations” to which you have called us. We pray that we will prove ourselves worthy to fulfill the tasks ahead of us.’

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Vancouver youth gathering bears fruit

Vancouver youth gathering bears fruit

| 2015/10/06

A number of youth gatherings have taken place this past summer, bringing youth across the country together to discuss matters of spiritual import, including the role of youth in contributing to the material and spiritual prosperity of their communities. Here is a story of one such gathering held in Vancouver, B.C.

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Youth gather in Halifax to continue conversation on material and spiritual prosperity

Youth gather in Halifax to continue conversation on material and spiritual prosperity

| 2015/08/07

A number of youth gatherings and conferences are taking place this summer, with the support of Regional Councils and local teams, bringing hundreds of youth together across the country to discuss matters of spiritual import.

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Letter to the Universal House of Justice from the National Convention

Letter to the Universal House of Justice from the National Convention

| 2015/07/15

We, the delegates of 67th Canadian Bahá’í National Convention, send our deepest love and appreciation to the Universal House of Justice for blessing and guiding the friends worldwide with its Ridván message of 2015.

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Youth discuss the effects of prayer in a Vancouver neighbourhood

Youth discuss the effects of prayer in a Vancouver neighbourhood

| 2015/03/18

A weekly devotional gathering began after a group of youth came together to reflect and plan at the end of a three-month cycle of activity. The youth have been conscious about creating opportunities to reflect on the significance of praying together. This account describes one such conversation.

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Youth implement plans made at the conferences

Youth implement plans made at the conferences

| 2014/10/23

This past summer, over 1640 youth gathered at ten youth conferences across Canada and reflected on their role in contributing to the advancement of civilization. Groups of youth have been working to implement the plans made during these gatherings, which were called by the National Spiritual Assembly, and held in Halifax, N.S., Saskatoon, Sask., Vancouver, B.C., Victoria, B.C., Calgary, Alta., Montreal, Que., Kelowna, B.C., Waterloo, Ont., Ottawa, Ont., and Toronto, Ont.

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How the youth conferences increased our capacities

How the youth conferences increased our capacities

| 2014/09/11

Emad Talisman, logistics coordinator of the Ottawa youth conference – held in mid-August, describes the capacities that the Ottawa Bahá’í community developed as a result of planning, participating in, or supporting youth to attend youth conferences and associated activities.

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Videos from recent youth conferences

Videos from recent youth conferences

| 2014/08/26

The final four youth conferences called by the National Spiritual Assembly have now taken place, gathering approximately 150 youth in Waterloo, Ont., 165 in Ottawa, Ont., 330 in Vancouver, B.C, and 440 in Toronto, Ont.

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Youth conferences attract young people with a keen sense of purpose

Youth conferences attract young people with a keen sense of purpose

| 2014/08/14

Eight of the ten youth conferences called by the National Spiritual Assembly to take place across Canada this summer have been held in Halifax, N.S., Saskatoon, Sask., Victoria, B.C., Calgary, Alta., Montreal, Que., Waterloo, Ont., Kelowna and Vancouver, B.C. A youth conference in Ottawa, Ont. will take place this weekend, and a conference in Toronto will take place 22 to 24 August.

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Youth discuss how to create a new way of life

Youth discuss how to create a new way of life

| 2014/07/29

This past weekend, youth gathered in Montreal, Que. and Calgary, Alta. reflected on how the peoples of the world could create a “new way of life, a new civilization, a new model, something completely different” from what they have now.

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