RSSNational Spiritual Assembly

Message regarding changes in the flow of literature

Message regarding changes in the flow of literature

| 2023/05/18

“Following a series of consultations exploring the needs for literature, the National Spiritual Assembly has made several decisions to help strengthen its flow.”

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Release of film “An Expansive Prospect”

Release of film “An Expansive Prospect”

| 2023/05/01

“‘May this film be a source of hope and encouragement for those friends who arise and exert themselves, individually and collectively, for the betterment of society.’”

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Message regarding the election of the Universal House of Justice

Message regarding the election of the Universal House of Justice

| 2023/05/01

“We are honoured to share with you the following message of the Universal House of Justice dated 1 May 2023…”

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Prime Minister’s Ridván Greetings

Prime Minister’s Ridván Greetings

| 2023/04/26

“We are pleased to convey to you a public statement by the Right Honourable Justin P. J. Trudeau, P.C., M.P., Prime Minister of Canada, on the occasion of Ridván.”

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Message regarding membership of the National Spiritual Assembly

Message regarding membership of the National Spiritual Assembly

| 2023/02/24

“Recently, two members of the National Spiritual Assembly, Ms. Deloria Bighorn and Ms. Élizabeth Wright, asked to be permitted to relinquish their membership on the National Assembly…”

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Message to unit conventions

Message to unit conventions

| 2023/02/06

“[W]e urge your reflection on what is needed to strengthen a culture of home visits where meaningful conversations unfold…”

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Message regarding development of the Bahá’í National Centre property

Message regarding development of the Bahá’í National Centre property

| 2023/02/06

“Recently, the National Spiritual Assembly submitted to the City of Markham a request to re-zone the lands surrounding the Bahá’í National Centre…”

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Message regarding travel to the Holy Land

Message regarding travel to the Holy Land

| 2023/01/03

“…it has become necessary, for a period of time, to ask all Bahá’ís who have resided in or visited the cradle of the Faith, even briefly, not to come to Israel for any reason until at least five years have elapsed since their last visit to Iran…”

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Message from the Universal House of Justice to the Bahá’ís of Iran – 23 August 2022

Message from the Universal House of Justice to the Bahá’ís of Iran – 23 August 2022

| 2022/11/16

“Reports received from the sacred land of Iran attest the intensification of the unrelenting injustice and cruelty which….have been endured by the followers of Bahá’u’lláh in that country.” 

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Message regarding membership of the Universal House of Justice

Message regarding membership of the Universal House of Justice

| 2022/11/09

“Mr. Stephen Birkland and Mr. Stephen Hall have, after prayerful consideration…requested permission to relinquish their membership on the Universal House of Justice…”

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