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The passing of Donald Rogers

The passing of Donald Rogers

| 2019/04/30

“With deep sadness we mourn the passing of Donald Rogers, ardent teacher of the Faith whose attraction to the Cause of Bahá’u’lláh as a young man shaped several decades lived in devoted service.”

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Riḍván 2019 message

Riḍván 2019 message

| 2019/04/23

The Riḍván 2019 message of the Universal House of Justice to the Bahá’ís of the world.

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The uplifting work of teaching

The uplifting work of teaching

| 2019/04/08

Teaching projects can lend hope and inspiration to every individual. A woman from Cochrane, Alta., describes her experience taking part in a teaching project in a Calgary neighbourhood last Fall and the impact it has had on her service to the Plan.

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Communities feel “invigorated” after celebrating Naw-Rúz

Communities feel “invigorated” after celebrating Naw-Rúz

| 2019/04/05

The spirit of joy and renewal surrounding Naw-Rúz has given three communities in rural Ontario a new perspective on their development after they came together to celebrate the start of the new year.

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The development of community properties

The development of community properties

| 2019/03/27

In several clusters and neighbourhoods across the country, the need to rent or purchase physical spaces to facilitate working with large numbers has emerged. Two recent property acquisitions, guided by the National Spiritual Assembly, in Ottawa, Ont., and Vancouver, B.C., serve as such examples.

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Statement by the Prime Minister on Naw-Rúz

Statement by the Prime Minister on Naw-Rúz

| 2019/03/27

“Around the globe, millions embrace Nowruz as a chance to reflect on the past year and share aspirations for a peaceful and harmonious year ahead. For Bahá’ís, this occasion is celebrated as a Holy Day, marking the end of 19 days of fasting and the beginning of a new year in the Bahá’í calendar.”

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Winter 2019 issue of Bahá’í Canada

Winter 2019 issue of Bahá’í Canada

| 2019/03/22

This issue of Bahá’í Canada focuses on how we have arisen to meet the needs of the Plan. Our feature article, Responding to the call, shares the stories of a number of individuals who each responded in creative ways, often having to overcome tests in order to meet the needs of their community.

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News of Community Properties Fund

News of Community Properties Fund

| 2019/03/13

“Between now and the end of the Plan, new life will be given to neighbourhoods, clusters and regions that are experiencing growth, through the removal of obstacles of space.”

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Homefront pioneering: “our next teaching act”

Homefront pioneering: “our next teaching act”

| 2019/03/07

The call to raise the number of clusters with intensive programs of growth, first shared in 2015, continues to resonate throughout the world to this day. Here we follow one family that immediately responded to the goals set by the Universal House of Justice and set out to pioneer to a cluster looking to grow.

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Compilation on prayer and devotional life

Compilation on prayer and devotional life

| 2019/03/05

“It is the hope of the House of Justice that this compilation, prepared by the Research Department at its request, will be studied widely and will be of assistance to individuals, families, and communities as they strive to evoke the spirit of the Mashriqu’l-Adhkár in the creation of occasions where any soul may inhale the divine fragrances…”

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