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Bahá’í Councils 2021 – 2022
On 25 November, the Day of the Covenant, a new term of service began for Regional Bahá’í Councils in Canada. Councils are institutions that were brought into being by the Universal House of Justice to carry forward the teaching work and minister to the needs of a rapidly growing Bahá’í community.

A Tribute to ‘Abdu’l-Bahá by the Universal House of Justice
“Countless are the lessons to be learned from how He presented the divine precepts to every kind of person…”

Shrine of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá: Short documentary on the construction project released
“This 15-minute documentary, which was screened at the centenary gathering at the Bahá’í World Centre…”

Message from the National Spiritual Assembly to the Bahá’ís of Canada — 26 November 2021
“This evening nineteen believers…will gather in the Montréal Shrine to offer prayers on your behalf…”

Message from the Universal House of Justice to the friends gathered in the Holy Land for the Centenary Commemoration
“Our hearts are filled with wonder as we contemplate the significance of this momentous occasion…”

National virtual space for all who are learning about devotional gatherings
“[W]e pray that this opportunity to hear from friends across the country and consult with them will aid your efforts to prepare for the new Plan.”

Release date of “Exemplar” film
“The Canadian site can be found at and will also be available from 18 November onwards.”

Message from the Universal House of Justice to the friends gathered in Tanna, Vanuatu
“The emergence of this Temple is an outward expression of a community life that has transformed through the union of worship and service…”

Message from the Universal House of Justice regarding the Mansion of Mazra‘ih
“The room of Bahá’u’lláh in the Mansion of Mazra‘ih has been restored to reflect more closely its original style…”