Young homefront pioneers share their experiences
Following a regional training that provided them with a greater understanding of the period of youth and how to nurture the latent potential of that age group, a team of three youth pioneered to Parry Sound, Ont., accompanied by regional institutions every step of the way. As the group serves, its members are reflecting on this question: how can resources raised up in larger clusters be of assistance to smaller clusters in accelerating and systematizing their growth and reaching the first milestone, the establishment of a programme of growth?

Arlene (far right), an assistant to the regional coordinators, says prayers with Shilan (middle) and Magda (left) who are offering a year of service in Parry Sound, Ont.
“To every generation of young believers comes an opportunity to make a contribution to the fortunes of humanity, unique to their time of life.” These and other stirring words of the Universal House of Justice in their 8 February message are a call to action for the youth of my generation. This summer, I had the bounty of being part of a group of 19 youth in the Ontario region who were able to offer a year of service as homefront pioneers. This “To Every Generation” initiative has the aim of starting programmes of growth in clusters across the province. We have dispersed, as individuals or in teams of two or three, to several cities and towns where the conditions are ripe for accelerated progress over the next few years. Drawing on the learning gained in our home clusters, yet remaining conscious of the distinct realities of our new localities, we have been labouring to create environments of mutual support, where we all accompany each other, in which efforts are amplified and encouraged, new activities are started and, most importantly, our fellow youth are able to join us in the spiritual transformation of the town.I am part of the team of three that was dispatched to the town of Parry Sound. Shilan, Magda and I arrived at the end of June, after a three-week training where we studied Ruhi Books 6 and 7 and gained practical experience in neighbourhoods in the Greater Toronto Area. That joyful gathering, where we were joined by our fellow youth from across North America, provided us with a greater understanding of the period of youth and how to help others unfold their latent potential. The fresh insights and energetic spirit we gained there provided an impetus to our efforts. Still, when we arrived in our new home and began labouring in the field, we found many challenges before us. In other words, we found many new opportunities for learning. We found ourselves animated by an eager anticipation for exploring the uncharted territory ahead of us: how can youth like ourselves, the resources raised up in larger clusters, be of assistance to smaller clusters in accelerating and systematizing their growth and reaching the first milestone, the establishment of a programme of growth? And so we began. With constant study of the guidance of the Universal House of Justice and the Writings, frequent reflection and prayers for divine confirmation, we entered the field of action. Along the way, we have felt the constant support of the regional institutions who have accompanied us at every turn.
Our first challenge was to learn about Parry Sound, its people and places and to identify areas of potential growth. We benefited greatly from consultation with the Local Spiritual Assembly and with the other Bahá’ís in the area, which allowed us to build common understanding and coordinate our efforts. In this way, we began to support the work of the friends, for example by co-animating the junior youth group which one person had started, or by studying Ruhi Book 2 together and reflecting on our personal teaching efforts. We simultaneously began a process of systematically meeting and having elevated conversations with the people of the town, especially the youth, in whatever forum that presented itself, whether at their homes, on the streets, or by joining sports teams. We felt confirmations rain upon us, which we saw in the ready response of the people we met to the ideas we presented and the hopes we expressed for the young people of the town, and in the formation of a second junior youth group within two weeks. This rapid progress showed, once again, the universality of Bahá’u’lláh’s message and the suitability of the instruments He has bestowed on us for the spiritual transformation of the world. A month after our arrival in Parry Sound, the momentous occasion of the Toronto Youth Conference infused a fresh burst of energy into our efforts. The conference materials and the consultation with other youth in similar situations helped us to express the insights we had gained through our efforts. Most importantly, it renewed our focus on youth and expanded our understanding of how they can universally participate in community building. We understood that we needed to reach out to as many youth as possible and, sharing with them our vision of community building and spiritual growth, invite them to join us on a path of service. As the youth of Parry Sound begin, to a greater or lesser degree, to engage in such a conversation, this movement will have a profound effect on the life of the community.
-Michael Robinson
Category: Five Year Plan Spotlight, Highlights