Video of theme song from Saskatoon youth conference

| 2014/07/17

The video above shows some of the participants in the Saskatoon, Sask. youth conference singing “Know ye the value of this time,” and “Strive ye with all your hearts.” These are lines from a quotation of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, which was quoted in a letter to participants in the youth conferences in Canada from the National Spiritual Assembly.

Here is some more of the quotation: “The portals of His blessings are opened wide and His signs are published abroad and the glory of truth is blazing forth; inexhaustible are the blessings. Know ye the value of this time. Strive ye with all your hearts, raise up your voices and shout, until this dark world be filled with light, and this narrow place of shadows be widened out, and this dust heap of a fleeting moment be changed into a mirror for the eternal gardens of heaven, and this globe of earth receive its portion of celestial grace.”[1]

One of the participants wrote on his Facebook page that the “conferences are a gift” from the National Spiritual Assembly and that the song they wrote was a “gift back” to the National Assembly.

Click here for updates and pictures from the three youth conferences that have taken place so far this summer in Canada. There will be seven more youth conferences taking place before the end of the summer.

[1] Selections from the Writings of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, p.320

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