The Capilano neighbourhood celebrates Naw-Rúz

| 2022/03/31

On 21 March 2022, the Capilano neighbourhood in the District of North Vancouver hosted a Naw-Rúz celebration in a local park for children from the neighbourhood and from the surrounding areas.

Nawruz North Vancouver District Photo 2 CroppedAn arts and crafts table was created for the celebration over picnic tables at the park.

The children and their families did arts and crafts and sang songs together. They also reconnected with old friends and created new bonds of friendship.

Based on the experience, the team decided that going forward, the Holy Days will be used as a way for families to introduce their friends and contacts to the community-building activities of the neighbourhood.

Nawruz North Vancouver DistrictChildren surround a piñata during the Naw-Rúz celebration in the park.

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