Talk by Dr. Firaydoun Javaheri at the Alberta Bahá’í summer school

Posted: 2024/07/10

For the occasion of the 2024 Alberta Bahá’í summer school, former Universal House of Justice member Dr. Firaydoun Javaheri prepared a recorded talk, which is shared here. In this talk, he reflects on the Ridvan 2024 message, referring to it as “a call to action to all – whether registered Bahá’ís, whether individuals affected by the message of Bahá’u’lláh or whether souls who are as yet unaware of His message.” About the content, he further says, “These powerful observations of the Universal House of Justice telling us who we are require us to think and meditate on what the duties of a peace practitioner are and what it means to act as a leaven to the world.”