Tag: National Convention

Delegates at Canada’s National Convention focus on oneness
The 157 delegates at Canada’s 66th National Convention – held in late April at the Toronto Bahá’í Centre – have a variety of life experiences and come from a diversity of places.

Letter to the Universal House of Justice from the National Convention
We, the delegates at the sixty-sixth Canadian National Convention have had the bounty of electing our beloved National Spiritual Assembly, the ninth pillar of the Supreme Body of the Faith. We bow down before the Blessed Beauty and pledge to rededicate ourselves to the imperatives of the remaining two years of the Five Year Plan.

Message to delegates at National Convention
It was with great joy that the National Assembly approached this Convention, eager for the opportunity to consult with you who represent such a cross-section of the Bahá’í community, about the momentous developments of the past year.

Message from the Board of Trustees of Huqúqu’lláh to the National Convention
The Board of Trustees of Huqúqu’lláh address the National Convention on the spiritual and practical aspects of the law of the Right of God.

National Spiritual Assembly is elected
The newly elected members of the National Spiritual Assembly, called to serve for the coming year, are: (back, left to right): Karen McKye, Mehran Anvari, Deloria Bighorn, Enayat Rawhani and Susanne Tamás; (Front, left to right): Hoda Farahmandpour, Judy Filson, Ciprian Jauca and Élizabeth Wright. The National Assembly’s Chairman is Ms. Bighorn; Vice-Chairman, Ms. Wright; Secretary, […]