Spring 2015 issue of Bahá’í Canada
This issue constitutes an attempt to begin to explore this vast theme: “strengthening the devotional character of the community.” It includes a compilation of Writings and guidance related to themes of devotion and service; stories from the history of the Faith that shed light on what constitutes a devotional spirit and how this is expressed in service; and articles that describe the insights
Canadian Bahá’ís and their friends are gaining about building communities characterized by both worship and service. We hope that our readers can enrich this unfolding narrative by sharing insights gained from experience and their study of the Writings and guidance.
An insert published with this issue called “The Badí‘ Calendar” includes: a letter from the Universal House of Justice regarding the implementation of the calendar; a special commentary by Mr. Alí Nakhjavání , which was first published in the January/February 2015 issue of the American Bahá’í ; and a table of significant Bahá’í dates for the year 172 and 173 B.E (21 March 2015 – 20 March 2017).
The issue and insert can be accessed via the links below:
Category: Magazine