Significant Bahá’í Dates — 181 B.E. (2024-2025)

| 2024/02/23
 Feast Days Bahá’í date Gregorian calendar equivalent
Bahá (Splendour) 1 Bahá 20 March 2024
Jalál (Glory) 1 Jalál 8 April
Jamál (Beauty) 1 Jamál 27 April
Azamat (Grandeur) 1 ‘Azamat 16 May
Núr (Light) 1 Núr 4 June
Rahmat (Mercy) 1 Rahmat 23 June
Kalimát (Words) 1 Kalimát 12 July
Kamal (Perfection) 1 Kamal 31 July
Asmá’ (Names) 1 Asmá’ 19 August
Izzat (Might) 1 ‘Izzat 7 September
Mashiyyat (Will) 1 Mashiyyat 26 September
Ilm (Knowledge) 1 ‘Ilm 15 October
Qudrat (Power) 1 Qudrat 3 November
Qawl (Speech) 1 Qawl 22 November
Masá’il (Questions) 1 Masá’il 11 December
Sharaf (Honour) 1 Sharaf 30 December
Sultán (Sovereignty) 1 Sultán 18 January 2025
Mulk (Dominion) 1 Mulk 6 February
Alá’ (Loftiness) 1 ‘Alá’ 1 March


Holy Days Bahá’í date Gregorian calendar equivalent
Naw-Rúz 1 Bahá 20 March 2024
First Day of Ridván 13 Jalál 20 April [at about 3:00 p.m. (4:00 p.m. DST)]
Ninth Day of Ridván 2 Jamál 28 April
Twelfth Day of Ridván 5 Jamál 1 May
Declaration of the Báb 8 ‘Azamat 23 May [22 May at about 2 hours after sunset]
Ascension of Bahá’u’lláh 13 ‘Azamat 28 May [at 3:00 a.m. (4:00 a.m. DST)]
Martyrdom of the Báb 17 Rahmat 9 July [at about noon (1:00 p.m. DST)]
Birth of the Báb 19 ‘Ilm 2 November
Birth of Bahá’u’lláh 1 Qudrat 3 November
Day of the Covenant 4 Qawl 25 November
Ascension of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá 6 Qawl 27 November [at 1:00 a.m.]


Other Observances Bahá’í date        Gregorian calendar equivalent
Ayyám-i-Há 1 to 4 Ayyám-i-Há 25-28 February 2025
Month of Fasting 1 to 19 ‘Alá’ 1 to 19 March 2025


Note: The Bahá’í day ends and a new one begins at sunset; consequently, the day on which a Feast or Holy Day is observed begins at sunset of the day before the Gregorian calendar dates given above. In 182 B.E., Naw-Rúz will correspond with 20 March 2025.

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