Preserving a history of the Bahá’í youth movement in Canada from 1967-1973

| 2020/02/28

A call to contribute archival materials related to the history of the Faith in Canada.

Were you or a member of your family a Bahá’í during the time period of 1967-1973? As an individual initiative, we would like to invite you to contribute memories, stories, photos, recordings, newspaper articles, poems, sketches and reports to our social media “archive.”

We welcome specifically stories of the positive influences of the following groups on individuals, communities and the general public: The “Mozart Group” (1967-1969); The “Multimedia Environment” Proclamation Team (1969-1970); and “Jalál” (1970-1973).

Your contributions will be compiled into a social media “archive” on Facebook:

The data will eventually be used to create a non-academic history website for everyone to enjoy. You can keep track of the postings and photos as the archive is developed.

Please send electronic materials, as well as questions to:
Dr. Lynn Echevarria

Please note: This page will not be representing the Faith nor analyzing or interpreting the contributions. At the present time, the Facebook page will only be collecting data: (photos, newspaper articles, recordings, etc.) We will not call for nor publish personal stories until we have received the National Spiritual Assembly’s approval and guidelines. 

Guidelines for submissions

Along with your submissions please state:
I (your name) from (where you live currently/contact info) give permission for this material to be freely used for public benefit (date).

Photos: please include dates, names of places, names of people known.

Be sure that you have a copy of any materials you send because they cannot be returned.

For snail mail send to:
Garry Brown, 2-5150 Christie Rd, Ladysmith, V9G 1J2

Category: Announcements, Uncategorized

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