Photos from the 73rd Baháʼí National Convention

| 2023/05/31

A series of photos from the 73rd Canadian Baháʼí  National Convention, which took place at the Toronto Baháʼí Centre from 19-22 May 2023.National Convention 2023 Collage Ver 2Centre photo: Delegates pray at the site of Canada’s future National House of Worship.


The first day of the National Convention began with a roll call of delegates and the election of Convention officers.

The delegates then read the Riḍván message together and had an open consultation inspired by its content. Joy at the news that Canada has been selected to build a House of Worship was intensified by a growing understanding of the possibilities before our country in the areas of social action and participating in the discourses of society.

To end the first day, members of the Continental Board of Counsellors Dr. Borna Noureddin and Mr. Ayafor Ayafor shared insights and stories from the International Convention as well as the conference of the Continental Boards of Counsellors that they had recently attended.

Early in the morning on the second day of the Convention, the delegates visited the site of Canada’s National House of Worship where they said prayers together. They also visited the Baháʼí National Centre and viewed relics and artefacts associated with the history of the Faith, two models of the development plans for the Mashriqu’l-Adhkár, and listened to a presentation about the history of the temple site.

Later that day, a message from the Board of Trustees of Ḥuqúqu’lláh in Canada to the delegates was read, and they heard the annual report of the National Spiritual Assembly.

In the afternoon, the outgoing members of the National Spiritual Assembly generously shared their experience as delegates at the International Convention.

Later in the evening, the delegates watched the film An Expansive Prospect.

The consultations focused on the movement of clusters, as well as the educational endeavors and the training institute.

On the third day of the Convention, the election of the National Spiritual Assembly took place in the morning. The topics of consultation focused on educational endeavors and the training institute, the material and spiritual dimensions of growth, contributing to social transformation, and raising capacity for administration at all levels.

On Monday, the session began with devotions remembering the ten Baha’i women executed in Shiraz 40 years ago. There was an open consultation among the delegates and the Convention closed in the early afternoon with remarks from the Counsellors.

A photo of the Indigenous delegates on the last day of the Convention. Photo: Sharon Hatcher

There was a large number of observers also in attendance for whom there was a live stream set up in the second floor of the Toronto Bahá’í Centre.

The delegates to the 73rd National Convention of Canada, with Counsellors Ayafor Ayafor (left front row, third from left) and Borna Noureddin (left front row, fourth from left) seated with the members of the outgoing National Spiritual Assembly. Photo: Liam Dousti

Delegate Photo 2023 Full Res

Photos were taken by Maryam Ahrari, Nur Elmasri, and Gregory Vochin.

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