Message regarding travel to the Holy Land

| 2023/01/03

3 January 2023 / 4 Honour 179


All Local Spiritual Assemblies
All Regional Bahá’í Councils
All Registered Groups

Dear Bahá’í Friends,

We have been asked to share the following message written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice to all National Spiritual Assemblies, dated 1 January 2023.  Please arrange for its wide distribution.

“In light of the security situation in the region and the related experience of some visitors, the Universal House of Justice has asked us to convey the following.

“It is a long-standing policy of the Bahá’í World Centre that believers who reside completely or for at least part of the year in Iran, regardless of their nationality, may not come to the Holy Land for a brief visit or pilgrimage.  Now, given the heightened security stance of governments in this region, it has become necessary, for a period of time, to ask all Bahá’ís who have resided in or visited the cradle of the Faith, even briefly, not to come to Israel for any reason until at least five years have elapsed since their last visit to Iran…

“The disruption and disappointment that some friends will, no doubt, experience as a result of this necessary step are deeply regretted, and it is earnestly hoped that this restriction can be lifted before too long.  Prospective pilgrims and brief visitors who have been in Iran in the last five years are asked to contact the Department of Pilgrimage to reschedule their visits.”

As you can imagine, these restrictions have implications not only for those who have already visited Iran, but also for any friends who may be planning to visit the cradle of the Faith in the near future, who would face the same constraint upon their return.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,
Karen McKye, Secretary

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Category: Messages, Universal House of Justice

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