Message from the National Spiritual Assembly to the followers of Bahá’u’lláh in Canada – 5 April 2021
5 April 2021 / 17 Splendour 178
To the followers of Bahá’u’lláh in Canada
Dear Bahá’í Friends,
As the National Spiritual Assembly gathered at its final weekend-long meeting of the year and of the Five Year Plan, we were moved by a wave of gratitude to write these few lines to you.
We need not describe again the conditions that have affected every aspect of life in Canada, as elsewhere in the world. Yet, what we saw as we prepared our annual report filled us with wonder. Hearts have been heavy, and in response you have gathered in devotional gatherings with your families and friends, in unprecedented numbers, in the presence of the Lord of Joy. At a time of economic uncertainty, you have provided a flow of material means for the advancement of the Cause in clusters, neighbourhoods and villages, and beyond that, supported generously all the funds of the Faith. Youth, in spite of being burdened by a new and often-confusing educational landscape, have turned to their younger peers and served them with love and steadfast commitment.
The countless acts of sacrifice and devotion on which these achievements rest are known only to Him. How grateful we are to Bahá’u’lláh, that He has raised up such a people, emblems of hope in these troubled days: how thankful for what He has allowed the Canadian community to achieve in these five years. Soon, a brief One Year Plan will lead the worldwide community to the threshold of a nine-year endeavour. In these remaining hours of this Plan, each moment filled with opportunity, our prayers and thoughts are with you, of whom Bahá’u’lláh has said: “I swear by God! The sea of joy yearneth to attain your presence, for every good thing hath been created for you, and will, according to the needs of the times, be revealed unto you.”¹
With loving Bahá’í greetings,
Karen McKye, Secretary
¹Bahá’u’lláh, as quoted in The Advent of Divine Justice, p. 82
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