Message from the National Spiritual Assembly to the Bahá’ís of Canada – 23 March 2022
23 March 2022 / 3 Splendour 179
To the Bahá’ís of Canada
Dear Bahá’í Friends,
At a time when the world is in turmoil, its order shaken, and the hearts of so many of our compatriots are overshadowed by fear and anxiety, the National Spiritual Assembly is moved to address you with deepest love and admiration. In contrast to the disintegration of the old world order, what you have accomplished in this One Year Plan fills our hearts with hope and confidence: you have become connected to thousands upon thousands who believe in the oneness of humanity and translate this belief into daily acts of service; 84 clusters in Canada have an intensive program of growth, 24 of which are embracing large numbers; almost 8,000 core activities are attracting the participation of nearly 30,000 souls. And around them are scores of others with whom you and they are engaged in meaningful conversation. You have already begun to see all those around you with new eyes, regarding them as souls brought into being in this day to “work for the betterment of the world and live together in concord and harmony”. Against this backdrop of dramatic crisis and victory, the upcoming global conferences will be a turning point on that path for the peoples of Canada, drawing them into a direct conversation with the Universal House of Justice that will give meaning to their shared hope for change.
In its 4 January 2022 message to the Bahá’ís of the world, the House of Justice described a charged moment:
“The global challenges now facing humanity are a severe test of its willingness to put aside short-term self-interest and come to terms with this stark spiritual and moral reality: there is but one, interconnected human family and it shares one precious homeland. At this same moment, the followers of Bahá’u’lláh are examining anew the possibilities before them to release the society-building power of the Faith. This Plan will test their stamina, their willpower, and the strength of their love for those who dwell alongside them. They will help to nurture, in every place, communities of common purpose that recognize the power of unity to heal, to transcend. Within these communities, every soul may find sanctuary, and in the friends’ many endeavours for worship and praise, for education, for social transformation, for the development of communities—in all these, every soul may find room to grow and to serve. We are stirred by the promise of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá: ‘The small shall be made great, and the powerless shall be given strength; they that are of tender age shall become the children of the Kingdom, and those that have gone astray shall be guided to their heavenly home.’”
In the series of worldwide conferences called for by the House of Justice, we see an instrument perfectly designed to open wide the door for this ingathering of humanity. The wave of these conferences in Canada, slightly delayed by the public health conditions, is now ready to surge. Over 80 gatherings are being planned under the able leadership of the Regional Bahá’í Councils and in close collaboration with the Counsellors and their Auxiliary Board members. They will cover the entire country over the next three months, inspiring action in the assembled well-wishers of humanity. The participants–children and grandparents, youth and elders, Bahá’í families generations-strong, and friends newly associated with the community–will explore themes that build understanding of conditions in the world and offer a channel for the longing to serve that has been awakened in every heart in this day.
A national website is being created at the URL to share basic information and a registration form for, the conferences. The National Assembly will write again as soon as the link is live. In the meantime, we invite you to visit the Bahá’í World News Service coverage of the conferences held by your brothers and sisters in other lands at
The final weeks of the One Year Plan are unfolding, in a year dedicated to profound reflection on the life of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá and the Covenant of which He was the Centre. In just six weeks, delegates will come together at the National Convention in Toronto to elect the membership of the National Assembly and consult on the affairs of our national community, as we embark on a momentous Nine Year Plan focused on a single aim: the release of the society-building power of the Faith in ever-greater measures. Between now and then, many conferences will have already taken place and infused fresh spiritual energy into the community. The well-familiar passage from the Tablets of the Divine Plan takes on new significance as the pressing need of humanity meets the opportunity of these days:
“Again I repeat that the future of Canada, whether from a material or a spiritual standpoint, is very great. Day by day civilization and freedom shall increase. The clouds of the Kingdom will water the seeds of guidance which have been sown there. Consequently, rest ye not, seek ye no composure, attach not yourselves to the luxuries of this ephemeral world, free yourselves from every attachment, and strive with heart and soul to become fully established in the Kingdom of God. Gain ye the heavenly treasures. Day by day become ye more illumined. Draw ye nearer and nearer unto the threshold of oneness…” [i]
As each of you makes plans to attend a nearby conference, who among your friends and family will you invite to join you, and what acts of heroism might each offer for the cause of the Most Great Peace?
With loving Bahá’í greetings,
Karen McKye, Secretary
[i] ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Tablets of the Divine Plan, Tablet to the Bahá’ís of Canada and Greenland
Category: Institutions, Messages, National Spiritual Assembly, Uncategorized