ISGP seminar for graduates and young professionals
3 March 2025 / 3 Loftiness 181
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Dear Bahá’í Friends,
The National Spiritual Assembly is delighted to announce that this year the Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity (ISGP) will offer a seminar for graduates and young professionals for the first time in Canada. The seminar, “Discourse and Social Transformation: Achieving Coherence”, will take place at Bethany Bahá’í Centre of Learning in Kawartha Lakes, Ontario, from 28 June to 9 July 2025. An announcement document and an application form are included as attachments. The deadline for applications is 30 April 2025.
We would appreciate your assistance in sharing this opportunity with the entire community and lovingly encouraging the participation of young adult Bahá’ís who have completed their undergraduate studies and are either continuing their higher-level studies or advancing their careers, and are interested in exploring how they can effect social change by participating in the discourses of society.
With loving Bahá’í greetings,
Karen McKye, Secretary
ISGP Canada 2025 Graduate Seminar – Announcement
Category: Institutions, National Spiritual Assembly