World News

Message written on behalf the Universal House of Justice regarding pilgrimage – 12 March 2020
“The current situation and the escalating measures being taken by governments and airlines have now necessitated the suspension of pilgrimage and brief visits to the Holy Land until such time as circumstances permit them to resume.”

Global Solidarity with seven imprisoned Iranian Bahá’ís
A global campaign to call attention to the long and unjust imprisonment of seven Bahá’í leaders spawned a worldwide outcry on the seventh anniversary of their arrest.

Newsreel highlights new developments for the Bahá’í House of Worship in Chile
The eighth in a series of newsreels documenting the construction of the Bahá’í House of Worship for South America has been released and can be viewed online in Spanish, English and Portuguese.

New version of international website of the Bahá’í community launched
A new version of has been launched, representing the latest stage in the development of an official online presence that extends back to 1996.

Baseless indictment of Yemeni Baha’i after 14 months of imprisonment
The Bahá’í World News Service has reported that authorities in Yemen have indicted Hamed Kamal bin Haydara, a Yemeni national, of being a spy for Israel and converting Muslims to the Bahá’í Faith.

German Panel explores migration, media and misperception
A recent panel discussion on the German media’s depiction of international migration in that society was organized by the Bahá’í community in partnership with German NGO, the Foundation for the International Weeks against Racism.

Updates on Bahá’í House of Worship of South America
The seventh newsreel describing the most recent developments related to the Bahá’í House of Worship of South America–located at the foothills of the Andes Mountains, overlooking the city of Santiago, Chile–was recently released.

Bahá’í owned shops in parts of Iran sealed off for observing Holy Day
Iran fails to adequately address repeated calls by governments for greater respect for religious freedom during a major review of its human rights record, in the wake of shutting down no less than 79 Bahá’í owned shops in Iran.

Latest news on the situation of Bahá’ís in Iran
The Bahá’í World News Service website recently reported a number of developments that concern the situation of the Bahá’ís in Iran, which include Iranian President Hassan Rouhani’s failure to improve the human rights situation in Iran, new tactics to prevent Bahá’í students from pursuing higher education, and a new documentary film on the topic.