
New junior youth text explores Bahá’í principles
A junior youth animator shares her experience studying the text “Rays of Light” with a group during a recent camp in Montreal, Que.

Pan-Arctic conference focuses on building vibrant communities
A gathering in Nuuk, Greenland served to revitalize the spirits of those present, as they made plans to increase the pace of the community-building work in their regions.

Bridging local and global efforts for social transformation
Gloria Brown, a youth from Hamilton, Ont., shares her experience at the United Nations Summit of the Future during her time as an intern with the Bahá’í International Community.

National Treasurer visits communities to discuss emerging Temple in Canada
Talks across the country emphasized the history of the land acquisition and the material means required for today.

Ayyám-i-Há celebration brings joy to families
In a neighbourhood in Montreal, Que., a group of children’s classes hosted an Ayyám-i-Há gathering for families in their community.

Open House at Bahá’í National Centre welcomes visitors
Since the Universal House of Justice announced that a National Bahá’í House of Worship is to be erected in Canada, hundreds of friends have visited the Temple site and Hazíratu’l-Quds.

Friends in Yukon gather
In Tagish, Yukon, friends, including many First Nations friends, gathered to share stories and reflect on their role in carrying out the directives of the Tablets of the Divine Plan.

Deepening our understanding of Ruhi Book 1
A reflection from tutors of the Springdale neighbourhood in Brampton, Ont. regarding their participation in a tutor seminar this summer held at the Don Valley Educational Centre near Toronto, Ont.

Children’s class forges deeper connection between families
Parents in the Bayside Village neighbourhood discuss the impact of children’s classes on their lives and families.

Learning to work with families in the Overbrook neighbourhood
In the Overbrook neighbourhood in Ottawa, Ont., a family’s efforts over the course of a few cycles “significantly widened the embrace” of community-building activities “to many nearby households.”