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In memoriam 2018

In memoriam 2018

| 2019/01/17

Death proffereth unto every confident believer the cup that is life indeed. It bestoweth joy, and is the bearer of gladness. It conferreth the gift of everlasting life. – Bahá’u’lláh

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Building a Temple on the foundation of unity

Building a Temple on the foundation of unity

| 2019/01/14

Laura Friedmann and Kyle Schmalenberg share the impact it had on them to travel from Canada to Colombia to film the completion of the House of Worship in Norte del Cauca, Colombia, built with the love and united efforts of an entire community.

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Chinese-subtitled “A Widening Embrace” now available

Chinese-subtitled “A Widening Embrace” now available

| 2019/01/09

The film “A Widening Embrace” is now available with Chinese subtitles to open the way for more friends to enjoy, and learn from, the stories in the video from around the world.

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Stories from across Canada: Summer Campaigns

Stories from across Canada: Summer Campaigns

| 2018/12/31

Friends from across Canada share their stories and some of what was learned during the summer intensive campaigns, lending inspiration to future endeavours to teach the Cause.

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Dr. Firaydoun Javaheri’s talks encourage love for the Universal House of Justice

Dr. Firaydoun Javaheri’s talks encourage love for the Universal House of Justice

| 2018/12/27

Galen Humber shares what he learned from listening to the talks of Dr. Firaydoun Javaheri, a former member of the Universal House of Justice, while he was visiting the friends in British Columbia.

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From the National Spiritual Assembly concerning the Payam-i-Bahá’í Persian-language periodical – 3 December 2018

From the National Spiritual Assembly concerning the Payam-i-Bahá’í Persian-language periodical – 3 December 2018

| 2018/12/24

“…the National Assembly of France noted that: ‘Payám-i-Bahá’í has enabled Persian-speaking friends all over the world to regularly deepen themselves in the teachings and history of the Faith…'”

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Bahá’í Councils 2018 – 2019

Bahá’í Councils 2018 – 2019

| 2018/11/30

On 26 November, the Day of the Covenant, a new term of service began for Regional Bahá’í Councils in Canada. Councils are institutions that were brought into being by the Universal House of Justice to carry forward the teaching work and minister to the needs of a rapidly growing Bahá’í community.

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From the Universal House of Justice to the Bahá’ís of the World – 26 November 2018

From the Universal House of Justice to the Bahá’ís of the World – 26 November 2018

| 2018/11/29

“…every Bahá’í heart is stirred by remembrance of Him Who is the Mystery of God, the Centre of Bahá’u’lláh’s impregnable Covenant, the Mainspring of the Oneness of Humanity, the embodiment of every Bahá’í ideal, the Most Mighty Branch of God where under all can find shelter”

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Passing of Shapoor Monadjem

Passing of Shapoor Monadjem

| 2018/11/26

A message dated 16 November, 2018 from the Universal House of Justice, announcing the passing of “greatly loved servant of the Blessed Beauty” Shapoor Monadjem.

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Compilation on the Institution of the Mashriq’l-Adhkár

Compilation on the Institution of the Mashriq’l-Adhkár

| 2018/11/15

“The compilation consists of eighty-six extracts from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh and ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, the writings of Shoghi Effendi, and the letters of the Universal House of Justice.  Twenty-two of these are newly translated and appear in English for the first time.”

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