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Message from the Universal House of Justice to the Bahá’ís of the World – 8 November 2019

Message from the Universal House of Justice to the Bahá’ís of the World – 8 November 2019

| 2019/11/11

“The measure of what you have achieved—not only in the last few weeks, but during a two-year period of remarkable advance now brought to a stunning climax—compels us to address you who are the visible hosts of a movement that has proved itself irrepressible.”

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Reporting bicentenary activities

Reporting bicentenary activities

| 2019/10/28

“[T]he National Spiritual Assembly wishes to capture, however inadequately, the inspiring ways in which the Canadian community has marked this momentous period in our history”

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Fall 2019 issue of Bahá’í Canada

Fall 2019 issue of Bahá’í Canada

| 2019/10/28

The Fall 2019 issue of Bahá’í Canada: The spirit of the dawn-breakers

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The passing of ‘Ali Nakhjavani

The passing of ‘Ali Nakhjavani

| 2019/10/11

“We mourn the loss of an extraordinary figure who leaves behind a distinguished legacy of uninterrupted service to the Cause of God.”

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Message from the Universal House of Justice marking the bicentenary of the Birth of the Báb

Message from the Universal House of Justice marking the bicentenary of the Birth of the Báb

| 2019/10/01

“…[L]ike a spring storm, the Báb came to purge and purify, to uproot the withered and spent customs of a wayward age, and to wash away the obscuring dust from the eyes of those blinded by illusion.”

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Message to Canada’s Bahá’ís and those at their sides in the field of service

Message to Canada’s Bahá’ís and those at their sides in the field of service

| 2019/09/24

“How might each team, each family, each community celebrate the Holy Days themselves in settings small and large, as part of the worldwide wave that will encircle the planet?”

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Design for the Shrine of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá

Design for the Shrine of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá

| 2019/09/20

“The structure that is envisaged in the design seeks to honour ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s unique position as the Centre of the Covenant, and to reflect at once His lofty station and His humility.”

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Heroine of Zanján

Heroine of Zanján

| 2019/09/10

Zaynab’s fearlessness during the Zanján upheaval demonstrates the power of the Báb’s Revelation to tear away the veils of past traditions.

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Message from the National Spiritual Assembly to the Bahá’ís of Canada – 7 September 2019

Message from the National Spiritual Assembly to the Bahá’ís of Canada – 7 September 2019

| 2019/09/06

“More and more, the believers are describing how the sweetness of teaching is becoming a way of life. More and more, they are finding in their receptive friends, families and new acquaintances the kindred spirits with whom they will walk a path of service.”

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Messages regarding resources for bicentenary preparations

Messages regarding resources for bicentenary preparations

| 2019/09/06

“As preparations for the bicentenary of the Birth of the Báb are continuing to accelerate across the country, we are writing to draw your attention to two resources available to support your local celebrations.”

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