Urgent need for pioneers to the Bahamas

Posted: 2018/08/31

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The National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of the Bahamas is in urgent need of short and long-term pioneers as well as youth wishing to take a year of service. The Bahá’í community is currently present in two of the islands of the Bahamas; Freeport, Grand Bahama and Nassau, New Providence. We are looking for individuals who can assist and participate in growing the community and establishing the core activities in target neighborhoods on both islands. They must be also willing to home visit and outreach in the respective communities. Our goal is to move the cluster to the second milestone, working in established focused neighborhoods to develop local human resources amongst our community of interest. Below you will find more details regarding each community.

Freeport, Grand Bahama

There is one established children’s class and one junior youth group in Freeport, both of which are in stages of infancy.

Nassau, New Providence

There are two children classes and a few Ruhi study circles currently taking place.

Long term pioneers have an opportunity to work in our government system in the area of education and health.

There is a specific need for Registered Nurses in our government-run hospitals, Princess Margaret (Nassau) and Rand Memorial (Freeport).

Additionally, there is a need for teachers who has received their Bachelor, Teacher’s Certificate and has experience.

If individual(s) are self-supported, the National Spiritual Assembly may apply for a Resident Permit as pioneer(s).


Please contact: nsabaha@mail.com