Twenty-fifth anniversary of the worldwide implementation of the law of Ḥuqúqu’lláh

| 2017/11/07

Three conferences took place across Canada – in Ottawa, Ont., Vancouver, B.C. and Chelsea, Que. – where friends gathered to reflect on the significance of the Right of God.

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Friends gathered at the Conference in Ottawa, Ont. Photo: Louis Brunet.

The law of Ḥuqúqu’lláh became applicable worldwide 25 years ago, with the following message from the Universal House of Justice: “With humility before our sovereign Lord, we now announce that as of Riḍván 1992, the beginning of the Holy Year, the Law of Ḥuqúqu’lláh, the Right of God, will become universally applicable. All are lovingly called to observe it.”[1] In celebration of this milestone anniversary, three conferences dedicated to the Right of God took place in Canada during 2017 – the bicentennial year of the birth of Bahá’u’lláh.

The first conference was in Ottawa, Ont. on June 24. An annual event for the last 12 years, approximately 65 participants attended. The conference began with a viewing of the video “25 Years of Implementation of Ḥuqúqu’lláh Worldwide,” produced for the Regional Board of Trustees of Ḥuqúqu’lláh for the Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom in honour of the anniversary.

Huquq Article

Members of the Continental Board of Counsellors for North America, Members of the Board of Trustees of Ḥuqúqu’lláh in Canada, and Representatives of the Right of God in British Columbia were present at the Vancouver Conference.

The second conference took place in Vancouver, B.C. on September 30. With circa 300 participants, it was the largest event dedicated entirely to the Right of God ever to take place in Canada. Of particular note was the participation of six members of the Continental Board of Counsellors for the afternoon address by Counsellor Dr. Borna Noureddin.

Brian Eiriksson, Coordinator of the Office of Ḥuqúqu’lláh at the Bahá’í World Centre, joined both the gatherings via video conference, conducting a virtual tour of the Office and sharing stories related to the Right of God. A variety of artistic presentations also enriched and added joy to the events.


A drumming group performed at the Vancouver, B.C. Ḥuqúqu’lláh Conference.

The third, much smaller and intimate gathering, was held in Chelsea, Que., with the assistance of the Local Spiritual Assembly of Gatineau and Chelsea. On October 28, 11 individuals gathered to watch the video “25 Years of Implementation of Ḥuqúqu’lláh Worldwide” and to study various Writings related to the law in both French and English. Deputy Trustee Dr. ‘Abdu’l-Missagh Ghadirian represented the Board in Ottawa and Chelsea.

All five Board of Trustees members were present at the Vancouver Conference and each presented on different themes during the morning session. These  presentations, as well as the afternoon program in Vancouver, were live streamed across the country. Currently, videos of presentations from the Vancouver conference, as well as many of the artistic performances that day, can be viewed online.

Chelsea Huququllah

Participants at the conference held in Chelsea, Que.

The Board of Trustees thanks the many Representatives who were instrumental in organizing these conferences. The Board also recognizes with appreciation the role of Local Spiritual Assemblies to support these undertakings. Please call upon your Representative to ask any questions you may have about Ḥuqúqu’lláh, or to arrange a study session.

The following excerpt from a talk delivered in 1991 by Mr. Ian Semple, a former member of the Universal House of Justice, highlights the need for ongoing reflection on the subject of the Right of God:

“The law of Ḥuqúqu’lláh presents to Bahá’ís a subject which is full of surprises and excitement. In some aspects it is governed by principles with which we are familiar in relation to the Bahá’í Funds as a whole, but as we study the law and its implications we gradually come to understand that there are also profound differences between the Right of God and the contributions which we make from our own resources for the advancement of the Faith.

Fortunately, the law is very simple in its essentials … The surprises and excitement come not so much from the details of the law itself, as from our growing understanding of the principles which underlie it and the implications which it has for human society.”[2]

– The Board of Trustees of Ḥuqúqu’lláh in Canada

[1] Universal House of Justice to the Bahá’ís of the World, Ridván 1991.

[2] Mr. Ian Semple, The Law of Ḥuqúqu’lláh and Some of its Implications,” 1991.

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