Burial rings with French text inscribed on them now available

| 2014/03/27

Screen Shot 2014 03 10 At 2.37.48 PMIt is now possible to order burial rings with French text inscribed on them, for women and men, from Service de Distribution Bahá’í- Québec. This verse from the Kitáb-i-Aqdas is inscribed on the ring:  « Je suis venu(e) de Dieu et je retourne à lui, détaché(e) de tout sauf de lui, me tenant fermement à son nom, le Miséricordieux, le Compatissant. » [“I came forth from God, and return unto Him, detached from all save Him, holding fast to His Name, the Merciful, the Compassionate.”]

The rings are gold metal with gold lettering on white enamel, are adjustable and cost $11.00, plus taxes shipping and handling.

To order, please contact Service de Distribution Bahá’í Quebec at sdbq@videotron.ca or 418-692-2402. When ordering, please specify if you would like a ring for a woman (F) or for a man (H).

The  Service de Distribution Bahá’í- Québec catalogue is available in French: Catalogue 2014-2015.


Category: Announcements, Events

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